`Logic, Algebra, Relativity - 2002'

Conference dedicated to the work of István Németi

November 4 - 8, 2002

Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary

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General information

This conference is organized in honor of István Németi, who has his 60th birthday in 2002.

The conference is organized by the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics. The conference will be held in the building of this institute (13-15 Reáltanoda utca, Budapest, H-1053, Hungary). The talks will be scheduled to the afternoons. The participants will have rooms for informal discussions in the mornings as well.

Abstracts of talks

If you wish to give a talk at the conference then please send your abstract in the form of a ps file to the e-mail address n60@renyi.hu by October 15, 2002. It should not exceed two pages.


As a birthday present for István, a booklet is in preparation. If you feel like sending some writing to be included in such a booklet, please send your contribution in the form of a ps file to the e-mail address n60@renyi.hu by October 15, 2002. You could send a writing independently of the fact that you will be personally present at the meeting. E.g., you can send the abstract of your talk. Or you can send an abstract that you will not be able to present personally. Or a paper. Or just a letter.


List of participants

The following list is updated regularly:

Name Email Talk Booklet
Jesse Alama jesse1@axelero.hu  Understanding relativity theory through logic  
Attila Andai andaia@math.bme.hu  no  
Hajnal Andréka andreka@renyi.hu  Relativity and algebraic logic (joint with J.Madarász)  
Johan van Benthem   cannot attend here
Peter Burmeister burmeister@mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de  Quasivarieties of heterogeneous partial algebras  here
Sinisa Crvenkovic sima@eunet.yu  Some results of Novi Sad school inspired by Andreka and Nemeti (joint with I.Dolinka, R.Madarász)  
Sándor Csizmazia sandor.csizmazia@ahbrt.hu  no  here
Bálint Dömölki domolki@iqsoft.hu  A roadmap of István Németi's journey from a design of power stations to the theory of cylindric algebras (and beyond)  
Gábor Etesi etesi@renyi.hu  Reformulation of the strong cosmic censor conjecture based on computability  
Márta Fehér feherm@phil.philos.bme.hu  no  
Miklós Ferenczi ferenczi@math.bme.hu  On neat embeddability of cylindric algebras  
Robert Goldblatt Rob.Goldblatt@vuw.ac.nz  cannot attend  here
Valentin Goranko vfg@na.rau.ac.za  cannot attend  yes
Csaba Henk ekho@renyi.hu  The finiteness principle of database theory  
Robin Hirsch R.Hirsch@cs.ucl.ac.uk  Strongly representable atom structures  
Ian Hodkinson   imh@doc.ic.ac.uk  Aspects of the finite base/model property  
Mark Hogarth mh10026@hotmail.com  A new concept of computability  
Eva Hoogland ehooglan@science.uva.nl  cannot attend  yes
László Kálmán kalman@mindmaker.hu  no  
Ági Kurucz kuag@dcs.kcl.ac.uk  Many-dimensional modal logics  
Judit Madarász madarasz@renyi.hu  yes  
Rozália Madarász rozi@eunet.yu  yes  
András Máté mate@ludens.elte.hu  no  
Szabolcs Mikulás szabolcs@dcs.bbk.ac.uk  Axiomatizability of reducts of RRA  
Don Monk monkd@euclid.colorado.edu  cannot attend  here
Ana Pásztor pasztora@cs.fiu.edu  cannot attend  yes
Miklós Rédei redei@hps.elte.hu  Operator algebras and quantum logic  
Gábor Sági sagi@renyi.hu  Pictures, analogies, dualities  
Ildikó Sain sain@renyi.hu  no  
Antonino Salibra salibra@dsi.unive.it  Algebraic and topological methods in Lambda Calculus  here
Amr Sayed Ahmed rutahmed@rusys.eg.net  Relativity and quantum black holes  
Tarek Sayed Ahmed rutahmed@rusys.eg.net  Neat reducts, interpolation and omitting types  
György Serény sereny@math.bme.hu  no  
András Simon andras@renyi.hu  no  
László E. Szabó leszabo@hps.elte.hu  Ontology of logic  
Gergely Székely turms@primposta.com  Twin paradox in model theoretic terms  
Csaba Tõke tcs@mailbox.hu  no  
Sándor Vályi valyis@math.klte.hu  Undecidability of relativity theories  
Péter Ván vpet@phyndi.fke.bme.hu  no  
Yde Venema yde@science.uva.nl  Subdirect irreducibility (a frame perspective)  


Please send the completed registration form to the e-mail address n60@renyi.hu by September 30, 2002.


If you need assistance in reserving accommodation in Budapest, you may contact Ms Veronika Pándi (veve@renyi.hu), who can make a reservation for you at City Panzió Mátyás for 69 euro/night. This hotel is close to the conference site, and many participants of the conference will stay there. You can get more detailed info at http://www.taverna.hu.

Organizing (and program) committee

Miklós Ferenczi (ferenczi@math.bme.hu)
Ági Kurucz (kuag@dcs.kcl.ac.uk)
Gábor Sági (sagi@renyi.hu)
Ildikó Sain, chair, (sain@renyi.hu)


We receive financial aid from the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics in two ways: the Institute provides us with free lecture rooms, rooms for discussion and e-mail facilities for the participants; and, as a Center of Excellence, contributes to the expenses of some invited participants.