Turán Workshop Series no 1
Low Dimensional Topology
August 2 - 15, 1998
A satellite summer school of the
The Organizing Committee:
Károly Böröczky, Jr. (Budapest),
András Stipsicz (Budapest)
Lecture series
(a Proceedings is planned based on the lecture series)
- John W. Morgan:
Differential topology of 4-dimesional manifolds
(August 4-7, tutor: András Stipsicz)
András Némethi:
The link of surface singularities
(August 3-6, tutor: Ágnes Szilárd and
Kovács Sándor)
Michael Davis:
Nonpositively curved spaces
(August 10-14, tutor: Gábor Moussong)
- Walter D. Neumann:
Geometry of 3-manifolds
(August 10-14, tutor: Paul Norbury)
- Lectures (Mo.-Fri.): 9.30-10.30 and 11.00-12.00
- Tutorials (Mo.-Fri.): 14.00-15.00 and 15.30-16.30
Mathematical Institute
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, V. Reáltanoda
u. 13-15., Main Lecture Hall (second floor)
Rooms were reserved for the
at the
Eötvös College,
(XI. Ménesi út 11-13.,
on the Gellért Hill).
For comments and questions, please, contact
Károly Böröczky, Jr. either by e-mail
or by regular mail at the following address:
- Károly Böröczky, Jr.
- Mathematical Institute
- H-1364 Budapest, Pf. 127
- Hungary
- FAX: (36-1)-117-7166