Former Members of the Institute
1. List of those whose last workplace was at the Institute
György Alexits (1899-1978) (theory of functions, approximation theory)
László Alpár (1914-1991) (functions of complex variables)
Ferenc Balatoni (1936-1970) (differential equations)
Balázs Bíró (1956-1997) (algebra)
Imre Bihari (1915-1998) (ordinary differential equations)
Péter Bod (1924-2005) (mathematical problems of
retirement benefits)
János Bognár (1932-2008) (functional analysis)
János Czipszer (1930-1963) (approximation theory, geometry, topology)
Jenő Deák (1948-1995) (topology, complex functions)
Árpád Elbert (1939-2001) (ordinary differential equations)
Pál Erdős (1913-1996) (graph theory, number theory, combinatorial
set theory, probability,
approximation theory)
László Fejes Tóth (1915-2005) (discrete geometry)
Tamás Fényes (1929-2000) (ordinary differential equations)
Tibor Gallai (1912-1992) (graph theory)
János Gerlits (1945-2008) (topology)
Pál Kosik (1931-1985) (ordinary differential equations)
Endre Makai (1915-1987) (ordinary and partial differential equations,
orthogonal series)
Pál Medgyessy (1919-1977) (probability)
Tibor Nemetz (1941-2006) (information theory, cryptography, mathematical
Ilona Palásti (1924-1991) (graph theory, geometry, probability)
György Pollák (1929-2001) (algebra)
László Rédei (1900-1980) (algebra, group theory)
Alfréd Rényi (1921-1970) (probability, information theory, number theory)
Melánia Sallay (1934-1981) (approximation theory)
Károly Sarkadi (1914-1985) (mathematical statistics)
Iván Seres (1907-1966) (irreducibility of polynomials)
Gábor Somorjai (1951-1976) (approximation theory, complex functions)
Ottó Steinfeld (1924-1990) (algebra, semigroups)
Árpád Szabó (1913-2001) (history of mathematics)
Ferenc Szász (1931-1989) (algebra, ring theory)
Gábor Székely (1920-1985) (probability)
Károly Szilárd (1901-1980) (ordinary differential equations)
Pál Turán (1910-1976) (number theory, theory of functions,
approximation theory, Fourier analysis,
graph theory, group theory)
Ottó Varga (1909-1969) (differential geometry)
István Vincze (1912-1999) (mathematical statistics, geometry, analysis)
György Adler (1933-2005) (ordinary differential equations)
Mátyás Arató (probability) (
Edit Arnóth (mathematical statistics)
János Balázs (1919-2003) (approximation)
György Bánkövi (mathematical statistics)
Pál Bártfai (probability theory) (
András Békéssy (1925-2006) (numerical analysis)
Katalin Bognár (probability) (
Péter Csáki (1933-2003) (biometry)
Andrásné Csukás (biometry)
Andor Dobó (mathematical statistics)
Jenő Egerváry (1891-1951) (approximation theory, geometry,
differential and integral equations,
matrix theory,
numerical analysis, optimization, mathematical physics)
Ödön Éltető (mathematical statistics) (
Tamás Erdélyi (approximation theory) (
János Fischer (biometry)
Géza Freud (1922-1979) (approximation theory)
Péter Gács (probability, complexity theory, information theory, cellular automata) (
László Gerencsér (stochastic optimization, financial mathematics,
control theory)
György Grätzer (universal algebra, lattice theory) (
György Hajós (1912-1972) (geometry, graph theory)
Béla Hajtman (biometry)
Mária Halmos (mathematical education)
Péter Hamburger (topology, combinatorics, graph theory, set theory)
Gábor Hanák (probability)
Tamás Hermann (computer aided geometric design) (
Sándor Józsa (biometry)
Iréneusz Juvancz (1910-1982) (biometry)
László Kalmár (1905-1976) (mathematical logic, computer science)
Gilbert Kardos (numerical analysis)
Andrea Kárpáti (biometry)
Gerzson Kéri (stochastic programming, operations research,
optimization, coding theory)
Ottó Kis (1931-2001) (approximation theory)
Béla Kis-Kopárdi (mathematical statistics)
Emil Kiss (algebra, universal algebra)
Ildikó Kiss (algebra)
Tamás Kővári (complex functions, graph theory)
László Béla Kovács (operations research)
Tamás Lipták (1930-1998) (biometry, econometry)
Antal Majthay (operations research, mathematical programming, dynamical
Mathematical economics)
Károly Mályusz (applied mathematics, functional analysis)
Attila Máté (set theory, logic, combinatorics) (
József Mogyoródi (probability)
Pál Névai (approximation theory) (
József Pergel (probability)
András Prékopa (probability, operations research) (
Klára Révész (biometry)
József Rinágel (numerical analysis)
Katalin Rohringer (biometry)
Vera Rosta (combinatorics, convex geometry, graph theory)
Pál Rózsa (theory of matrices) (
Ákos Seress (1958-2013) (permutation groups, combinatorics) (
Sándor Simon (numerical analysis)
Miklós Sulyok
János Surányi (1918-2006) (number theory, mathematical logic, didactics
of mathematics,
approximation theory)
László Surányi (graph theory, combinatorics, mathematical education)
András Szép (functional analysis) (
Jenő Szigeti (category theory, ring theory)
Zoltán Szilágyi (numerical analysis)
Gézáné Szilvay (differential equation)
Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy (1913-1998) (functional analysis, operator theory)
Péter Szüsz (1924-2008) (approximation theory, number theory)
Lajos Takács (stochastic processes) (
Gyula Tarnay (1932-2008) (numerical analysis)
Gábor Tóth
Károly Tóth (numerical analysis)
Éva Vas (mathematical statistics)
László Veidinger (partial differential equations)
Mária Viski (algebraic topology, mathematical logic)
Margit Ziermann (1924-1994) (probability, mathematical statistics, operations research)
Magdolna Zimányi (differential equations) (
3. Young researchers (with a contract for a definite period of time)
Gergely Ambrus (2009-2013)
István Ágoston (1992-1995)
Richárd Balka (2011-2014)
Péter Bálint (2000-2003)
Tibor Beke (2004-2005)
Ferenc Beleznay (1993-1995)
Áron Bereczky (1999-2000)
Géza Bohus (1996)
Gergely Borbás (2001-2004)
Gábor Braun (2003-2004, 2007-2009)
Palmer Cory (2008-2011)
Péter Csikvári (2010-2013)
György Csizmadia (2001)
Péter Csorba (2009-2012)
Márton Elekes (2002-2006)
Gábor Etesi (1998-1999, 2001-2003)
Bálint Farkas (2003-2004)
Tamás Fleiner (2000-2001)
Péter Frenkel (2006-2008)
András Gács (1996-1999)
Dániel Gerbner (2008-2011)
Ferenc Gerlits (2002-2004)
Katalin Gyarmati (2005-2008)
Máté Győry (2004-2006)
Zoltán Halasi (2001-2004)
Viktor Harangi (2010-2013)
Nóra Harrach (2010-2012)
Péter Hussami (2009-2010)
Antal Járai (1998)
Boldizsár Kalmár (2005-2006), 2009
Gyula Katona Jr. (1994-1997)
Tamás Keleti (1996-1999)
Balázs Keszegh (2008-1012)
Ákos Kisvölcsey (1998-2001)
Balázs Kőműves (2006-2009)
Zoltán Léka (2011-2014)
Levente Lévai (1997-2000)
Péter Ligeti (2005-2008)
Gábor Lippner (2006-2009)
Attila Losonczi (1998-1999)
József Lőrinczi (1995-1998)
Judit Madarász (2005-2007)
András Máthé (2008-2009)
Máté Matolcsi (2002-2005)
Tamás Mátrai (2005-2008)
László Mérai (2009-2012)
István Miklós (2006-2010)
Zoltán Lóránt Nagy (2011-2014)
Márton Naszódi (2001-2002)
Lemons Nathan (2010-2015)
Ferenc Oravecz (1998-1999, 2000-2001)
Balázs Patkós (2010-2011)
Károly Podoski (2004-2007)
Attila Pór (2000-2003)
Vilmos Prokaj (1996-1997)
István Sigray (1997-1998)
András Simon (1993-1996)
Endre Szabó (2004-2006)
Szilárd Szabó (2006-2009)
Balázs Szegedy (2002-2003)
Gergely Székely (2009-2011)
Zoltán Szigeti (1994-1995)
Péter Sziklai (1995-1998)
Magdolna Szőke (1997-2000)
Zsolt Talata (2003-2004)
Tamás Terpai (2007-2010)
Krisztián Tichler (2001-2004)
Péter Imre Tóth (2004-2006)
Jenő Törőcsik (1992-1994)
Miklós Ujvári (2000-2002)
Benedek Valkó (2003-2005)
- Vera Vértesi (2009)
Csaba Vincze (1999-2000)
Zsuzsa Weiner (2002-2005)
Mihály Weiner (2007-2011)
Gábor Wiener (1999-2002)