András Némethi - Publication List

"Óh bár adna a Gazda patakom sodrának medret..." (Babits Mihály: Jónás Imája)


  1. Milnor fiber boundary of a non-isolated surface singularity, (joint book with Á. Szilárd), Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 2037, Springer 2012.
  2. Normal surface singularities, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics, Springer, 2022 (to be printed in the summer of 2022)

    Book Chapter:

    Surface singularities, Seiberg--Witten invariants of their links and lattice cohomology, to be published in 2022 in the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities III, Springer, Edited by Jose Luis Cisneros Molina, Dung Trang Le, Jose Seade

    Edited books

  1. Proceedings of the Deformation Theory Conference, Budapest, 2008. (Coedited with Á. Szilárd), Bolyai Society Math. Studies Vol. 23, Springer Verlag 2013.
  2. Singularities. Abstracts from the workshop held September 20-26, 2009; Organized by A. Némethi, D. van Straten and V.A. Vassiliev; Oberwolfach Reports Vol. 6, no. 3. (2009), 2405-2469.
  3. Singularities. Abstracts from the workshop held September 23-29, 2012; Organized by A. Némethi, D. van Straten and V.A. Vassiliev; Oberwolfach Reports Vol. 9, no. 3 (2012), 2799-2866.
  4. Singularities. Abstracts from the workshop held 25 September - 1 October, 2016; Organized by F. Loeser, A. Némethi and D. van Straten; Oberwolfach Reports Vol. 13, no. 3 (2016), 2625-2691.
  5. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, 22-28 July 2018, ICMC-USP San Carlos (coeditors G. Feliciani Barbosa, J. L. Cisneros Molina, N. De Góes Grulha Júnior); Journal of Singularities 22 (2020).


  1. Analytic lattice cohomology of normal surface singularities, (joint manuscript with Ágoston Tamás) arXiv:2108.12294.
  2. Analytic lattice cohomology of surface singularities, II (the equivariant case), (joint manuscript with Ágoston Tamás) arXiv:2108.12429.
  3. Analytic lattice cohomology of curve singularities, (joint manuscript with Ágoston Tamás), arXiv:
  4. Analytic lattice cohomology of isolated singularities, (joint manuscript with Ágoston Tamás), arXiv:
  5. Surface singularities, Seiberg--Witten invariants of their links and lattice cohomology, submitted.
  6. Normal reduction number of normal surface singularities (joint manuscript with J. Nagy and T. Okuma), arXiv:2108.12274, submitted.
  7. Local Newton nondegenerate Weil divisors in toric varieties, (joint manuscript with Baldur Sigurdsson), arXiv:2102.02948, submitted
  8. Polar exploration of complex surface germs, (joint manuscript with André Belotto da Silva, Lorenzo Fantini and Anne Pichon), arXiv:2103.15444, submitted.
  9. The multiplicity of generic normal surface singularities, (joint manuscript with J. Nagy), arXiv:2005.10867, submitted.
  10. The delta invariant of curves on rational surfaces II: Poincar\'e series and topological aspects (joint manuscript with J. I. Cogolludo-Agustín, T. László, J. Martín-Morales), arXiv:2003.07110, submitted.
  11. The dimension of the image of the Abel map associated with normal surface singularities (joint manuscript with J. Nagy), arXiv:1909.07023, submitted.
  12. Discriminant of the ordinary transversal singularity type. The global equivalence class. (joint manuscript with M. Kazarian and D. Kerner).
  13. Discriminant of the ordinary transversal singularity type. The local aspects. (joint manuscript with D. Kerner).
  14. Local invariants of minimal generic curves on rational surfaces, (joint manuscript with J. I. Cogolludo-Agustín, T. László, J. Martín-Morales), to appear in the Proceedings of Escuela de Matemáticas Lluís Santaló; 2019: p-adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities, Contemporary Math.
  15. Motivic Poincaré series of cusp surface singularities (joint manuscript with J. Nagy), to appear in the Proceedings of Escuela de Matemáticas Lluís Santaló; 2019: p-adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities, Contemporary Math.
  16. The Abel map for surface singularities III. Elliptic germs, (joint manuscript with J. Nagy), arXiv:1902.07493, to appear in Math. Zeitschrift.
  17. Delta invariant of curves on rational surfaces I. An analytic approach (joint manuscript with J. I. Cogolludo-Agustín, T. László, J. Martín-Morales), to appear in Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.
  18. The Geometric P=W conjecture in the Painlevé cases via plumbing calculus (joint with Szilárd Szabó) arXiv:2001.11720, to appear in IMRN.
  19. On the topology of elliptic singularities, (joint manuscript with J. Nagy), Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 16, Nr 4, (2020), 1123-1146; Proceedings in honor of G.-M. Greuel's 75th birthday.
  20. The Abel map for surface singularities II. Generic analytic structure. (joint manuscript with J. Nagy), Adv. in Math. 371 (2020).
  21. On the geometry of strongly flat semigroups and their generalizations (joint manuscript with T. László), in `A Panorama of Singularities', Contemporary Math. 742 (2020), 109-136 (volume in honor of Le Dung Tráng).
  22. Surgery formulae for the Seiberg-Witten invariant of plumbed 3-manifolds, (joint manuscript with T. László and J. Nagy), Revista Matemática Complutense 33 (2020), 197-230.
  23. The Abel map for surface singularities I. Generalities and examples. (joint manuscript with J. Nagy), Mathematische Annalen 375(3) (2019), 1427-1487.
  24. Combinatorial duality for Poincaré series, polytopes and invariants of plumbed 3-manifolds (joint paper with T. László and J. Nagy), Selecta Mathematica (New series) 25 (2019), no. 2, Art. 21, 31 pp.
  25. Linear subspace arrangements associated with normal surface singularities, Journal of Singularities 18 (2018), 464-476; volume dedicated to E. Brieskorn.
  26. The boundary of the Milnor fibre of certain non-isolated singularities (joint paper with G. Pintér), Periodica Math. Hungarica 77 (1) (2018), 34-57.
  27. Pairs of invariants of surface singularities, Proc. ICM 2018 Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 1, 745-776.
  28. On the set of L-space surgeries for links, (joint manuscript with E. Gorsky), Adv. in Math. 333 (2018), 386-422.
  29. Euler characterisrtic of Hilbert schemes of points on simple surface singularities (joint paper with A. Gyenge and B. Szendroi), European Journal of Mathematics , Vol. 4, Issue 2 (2018), 439-524.
  30. Links of rational singularities, L-spaces and LO fundamnetal groups, Inventiones Mathematicae 210 (1) (2017), 69-83.
  31. Analytic singularities supported by a specific integral homology sphere link, (joint manuscript with T. Okuma), Methods and Applications of Analysis, Vol. 24, No. 2, June 2017, (303-320); Special volume dedicated to Henry Laufer's 70th birthday on February 15, 2017 (Conference at Sanya, China).
  32. Durfee's conjecture on the singularity of smoothings of surfce singularities, (joint manuscript with J. Kollár, appendix by T. de Fernex), Annales Sc. de l'Ecole Norm. Sup. 4e série, t. 50 (2017), 787-798.
  33. Euler characterisrtic of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces with simple singularities (joint paper with A. Gyenge and B. Szendroi), Int. Math. Research Notices (2017) 2017 Issue 13, 4152-4159.
  34. Seiberg-Witten invariant of the universal abelain cover of S^3_{-p/q}(K), (joint manuscript with J. Bodnár), Proc. Singularities and Computer Algebra - Festschift for Gert-Martin Greuel on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, Springer (Ed's: W Decker, G Pfister, M. Schulze); 173-197.
  35. Durfee-type bound for some non-degenerate complete intersection singularities, (joint manuscript with D. Kerner), Math. Zetschrift 285 no. 1-2, (2017), 159-175.
  36. A generalized FKG-inequality for compositions, (joint manuscript with D. Kerner), J. of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. 146 (2017), 184-200.
  37. Lattice cohomology and rational cuspidal curves, (joint manuscript with J. Bodnár), Math. Research Letters 23, no:2 (2016) 339-375.
  38. Links of plane curve singularities and L-space links, (joint manuscript with E. Gorsky), Algebraic and Geometric Topology 16:4 (2016), 1905-1912.
  39. Morse theory for manifolds with boundary, (joint manuscript with M. Borodzik and A. Ranicki), arXiv:1207.3066, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 16:2 (2016) 971-1024.
  40. The geometric genus of hypersurface singularities, (joint manuscript with B. Sigurdsson), JEMS 18 (2016) 825-851.
  41. Lattice and Heegaard Floer homologies of algebraic links (revised version of `Poincaré series of algebraic links and lattice homology', arXiv:1301.7636) (joint manuscript with E. Gorsky), Int. Math. Res. Notices. Vol 2015 (2015), 12737-12780.
  42. Immersions associated with holomorphic germs (joint manuscript with G. Pintér), Comm. Math. Helv. 90 (2015), 513-541.
  43. The Hodge spectrum of analytic germs on isolated surface singularities, (joint manuscript with M. Borodzik), J. Math. Pures Appl. 103 (5), (2015), 1132-1156.
  44. Holomorphic arcs on analytic spaces, (joint manuscript with J. Kollár), Inventiones Math. 200 (1) (2015), 97-147.
  45. Reduction theorem for lattice cohomology, (joint manuscript with T. László), Int. Math. Res. Notices 2015 (11) (2015), 2938-2985.
  46. On the semicontinuity of the mod 2 spectrum of hypersurface singularities, (joint manuscript with M. Borodzik and A. Ranicki), J. of Algebraic Geometry 24 (1915), 379-398.
  47. Ehrhart theory of polytopes and Seiberg-Witten invariants of plumbed 3-manifolds, (joint manuscript with T. László), Geometry and Topology 18 (1914), 717-778.
  48. Links of singularities up to regular homotopy, (joint manuscript with A. Katanaga and A. Sz\H{u}cs), >b>Journal of Singularities 10 (1914), 174-182.
  49. The `corrected Durfee's inequality' for homogeneous complete intersections, (joint manuscript with D. Kerner) (improved version of arXiv:1111.1411); Math. Zeitschrift 274 (3-4) (2013), 1385-1400.
  50. Heegaard Floer homologies for (+1) surgeries on torus knots (joint manuscript with M. Borodzik), Acta Math. Hungarica 139(4) (2013), 303-319.
  51. Hodge-type structures as link invariants, (joint manuscript with M. Borodzik), Annales de L'Institute Fourier 62 (2012).
  52. The cohomology of line bundles of splice-quotient singularities, Advances in Math. 229(4) (2012), 2503-2524.
  53. A counterexample to Durfee's conjecture, (joint manuscript with D. Kerner) Comptes rendus mathématiques/Mathematical Reports, The Royal Soc. of Canada, 34 (2) (2012), 50-64.
  54. The lattice cohomology of S^3_{-d}(K), (joint manuscript with F. Román), in `Zeta functions in Algebraic geometry' Contemporary math. 566, 2012, 261-292 (Proceedings of the `Recent Trends on Zeta Functions in Algebra and Geometry', 2010 Mallorca, Spain).
  55. Spectrum of plane curves via knot theory, (joint manuscript with M. Borodzik), Journal of LMS. II Ser. 86 (1) (2012), 87-110.
  56. Generalized monodromy conjecture in dimension two, (joint manuscript with W. Veys), Geometry and Topology 16(1) (2012), 155-217.
  57. Some meeting points of singularity theory and low dimensional topology, Proceedings of the Deformation Theory Conference, Budapest, 2008; Bolyai Soc. Math. Studies 23, Springer 2013.
  58. Equivariant classes of matrix matroid varieties, (joint paper with L.M. Fehér and R. Rimányi), Commentarii Math. Helvetici 87 (2012), 861-889.
  59. Yuri Ivanovich Manin, (article in Hungarian) Magyar Tudomány 172, 2011/7, 839-842.
  60. Yuri Ivanovich Manin, Acta Math. Hungarica 133 (1-2) (2011), 1-13.
  61. Some properties of the lattice cohomology, to appear in the Proceedings of the `Geometry Conference' meeting, organized at Yamagata University, Japan, September 2010.
  62. The Seiberg-Witten invariants of negative definite plumbed 3-manifolds, Journal of EMS 13(4) (2011), 959-974.
  63. Two exact sequences for lattice cohomology, Proceedings of the conference organized to honor H. Moscovici's 65th birthday, Contemporary Math. 546 (2011), 249-269.
  64. The Milnor fibre signature is not semi-continuous (joint paper with D. Kerner), Proc. of the Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of A. Libgober, Topology of Algebraic Varieties, Jaca (Spain), June 2009; Contemporary Math. 538 (2011), 369-376.
  65. Principal analytic link theory in homology sphere links (joint paper with W.D. Neumann and A. Pichon), Proc. of the Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of A. Libgober, Topology of Algebraic Varieties, Jaca (Spain), June 2009; Contemporary Math. 538 (2011), 377-387.
  66. Invariants of open books of links of surface singularities (joint paper with M. Tosun), Studia Sc. Math. Hungarica 48(1) (2011), 135-144.
  67. The embedding dimension of weighted homogeneous surface singularities , (joint paper with T. Okuma), Journal of Topology 3 (2010), 643-667.
  68. On the Milnor fibers of sandwiched singularities, (joint paper with P. Popescu-Pampu), Int. Math. Res. Not. 6 2010, 1041-1061.
  69. On the Milnor fibers of cyclic quotient singularities, (joint paper with P. Popescu-Pampu), Proc. London Math. Soc. 101(2) (2010), 497-553.
  70. Monodromy eigenvalues are induced by poles of zeta functions - the irreducible curve case (joint paper with W. Veys), Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 42 (2010), no. 2, 312-322.
  71. Surgery formula for the Seiberg-Witten invariants of negative definite plumbed 3-manifolds, (joint paper with G. Braun), Journal f\"ur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 638 (2010), 189-208.
  72. On the canonical contact structures of links of complex surface singularites, Proceedings of the Geometry of Singularities and Manifolds, Kusatsu 2008, 2009, 99-118.
  73. On the Casson Invariant Conjecture of Neumann-Wahl (joint paper with T. Okuma), Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 18 (2009), 135-149.
  74. The Seiberg-Witen invariant conjectute for splice-quotients, (joint paper with T. Okuma), Journal LMS 28 (2008), 143-154.
  75. Poincaré series associated with surface singularities, Singularities I: Algebraic and Analytic Aspects, International Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of L\^e Dung Tráng, 2007, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Contemporary Mathematics, 474, 2008, 271-299.
  76. The degree of the discriminant of irreducible representations, (joint paper with L.M. Fehér and R. Rimányi), Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 17 (2008), 751-780.
  77. Lattice cohomology of normal surface singularities (its second part contains parts of the unpublished preprint `Line bundles associated with normal surface singularities', math.AG/0310084), Publ. RIMS. Kyoto Univ., 44 (2008), 507-543.
  78. Invariants of Newton non-degenerate surface singularities, (joint manuscript with G. Braun), Compos. Math. 143 (2007), no. 4, 1003-1036.
  79. Invariants of Newton non-degenerate surface singularities, Oberwolfach Reports 3/3, G-M. Greuel, European Mathematical Cociety, Z\"urich (2006), 2509-2511.
  80. On rational cuspidal curves, open surfaces and local singularities, (joint work with J. F. de Bobadilla, I. Luengo and A. Melle-Hernández), Singularity theory, Dedicated to Jean-Paul Brasselet on His 60th Birthday, Proceedings of the 2005 Marseille Singularity School and Conference, 2007, 411-442.
  81. Greded roots and singularities, (contains also the preprint `On the Heegaard Floer homology of S^3_{-p/q}(K)', math.GT/0410570); Proceedings: `Advanced School and Workshop' on `Singularities in Geometry and Topology'; ICTP (Trieste, Italy), World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2007, 394-463.
  82. Line bundles associated with normal surface singularities, math.AG/0310084. (published as part of `Graded roots and singularities')
  83. On the Heegaard Floer homology of S^3_{-p/q}(K), math.GT/0410570. (published as part of `Graded roots and singularities')
  84. Classification of rational unicuspidal projective curves whose singularities have one Puiseux pair, (joint work with J. F. de Bobadilla, I. Luengo and A. Melle-Hernández), Proceedings of Sao Carlos Workshop 2004 Real and Complex Singularities, Series Trends in Mathematics, Birkh\"auser 2007, 31-46.
  85. Milnor open books and Milnor fillable contact 3-manifolds, (joint work with C. Caubel and P. Popescu-Pampu), (math.SG/0409160); Topology, 45(3), (2006), 673-689.
  86. On the Milnor fiber on non-isolated singularities (joint paper with A. Horváth), Studia Sc. Math. Hungarica, 43(1), (2006), 131-136.
  87. Coincident root loci of binary forms, (joint paper with L.M. Fefér and R. Rimányi), (math.AG/0311312), Michigan Math. J., 54(2), (2006), 375-392.
  88. On rational cuspidal projective plane curves, (joint work with J. F. de Bobadilla, I. Luengo and A. Melle-Hernández), (math.AG/0410611), Proc. of London Math. Soc., 92(3), (2006), 99-138.
  89. On the Heegaard Floer homology of S^3_{-d}(K) and unicuspidal rational plane curves, Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 47, 2005, 219-234; `Geometry and Topology of Manifolds', Editors: H.U. Boden, I. Hambleton, A.J. Nicas and B.D. Park,
  90. On the Ozsváth-Szabó invariant of negative definite plumbed 3-manifolds (math.AG/0310083), Geometry and Topology, 9 (2005), 991-1042.
  91. The order of contact of a holomorphic ideal in {\bf C}^2, (joint work with J.D. McNeal), Math. Zeitschrift, 250(4) (2005), 873-883
  92. Links and analytic invariants of superisolated singularities, (joint paper with I. Luengo and A. Melle-Hernández), Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 14 (2005), 543-565.
  93. Degeneracy of two and three forms, (joint paper with L.M. Fefér and R. Rimányi), Canadian Math. Bulletin, 4}(4) (2005), 547-560.
  94. The link of {f(x,y)+z^n=0} and Zariski's Conjecture, (joint paper with R. Mendris), Compositio Math., {\bf 141}(2) (2005), 502-524.
  95. Seiberg-Witten invariants and surface singularities: Splicings and cyclic covers, (joint paper with L. I. Nicolaescu), Selecta Mathematica, New series, Vol. 11, Nr. 3-4 (2005), 399-451.
  96. Seiberg-Witten invariants and surface singularities II (singularities with good C^*-actions), (joint paper with L. I. Nicolaescu), Journal of London Math. Soc., 69(2), 2004, 593-607.
  97. Invariants of normal surface singularities, Proceedings of the Conference: Real and Complex Singularities, San Carlos, Brazil, August 2002; Contemporary Mathematics, 354, 2004, 161-208.
  98. Hypersurface complements. Alexander modules and monodromy, (joint paper with A. Dimca), Proceedings of the Conference: Real and Complex Singularities, San Carlos, Brazil, August 2002 Contemporary Mathematics, 354, 2004, 19-43.
  99. The zeta-function of a quasi-ordinary singularity, (joint work with L. McEwan), Compositio Math., 140 (2004), 667-682.
  100. Some conjectures about quasi-ordinary singularities, (joint paper with Lee McEwan), Topics in Algebraic and Noncommutative Geometry, Contemporary Math., 324, 2003, 185-193.
  101. The zeta-function of a quasi-ordinary singularity II, (joint work with P.D. González Pérez and L. McEwan), Topics in Algebraic and Noncommutative Geometry, Contemporary Math., 324, 2003, 109-122.
  102. Seiberg-Witten invariants and surface singularities, (joint paper with L. I. Nicolaescu), (ps file) Geometry and Topology, Volume 6 (2002), 269-328.
  103. The topology of algebraic varieties, I - The generalized Leray cycles, (joint work with Fouad Elzein), Annali della Scuola Norm. Sup. di Pisa; vol 1, 2002, 869-903.
  104. On the monodromy representation of polynomial maps in $n$ variables, (join paper with I. Sigray), Studia Scientiarum Math. Hungarica, 39, 2002.
  105. On the Milnor fiber of a quasi-ordinary surface singularity, (joint paper with Chunsheng Ban and Lee McEwan), Canadian J. of Math., 54, 2002, 55-70.
  106. Thom-Sebastiani construction and monodromy of polynomials (joint work with A. Dimca) , Proceedings of the Steklov Institute, volume 238, 2002, 1-18; Monodromy in problems of algebraic geometry and differential equations, Editors A.A. Bolibrukh and C. Sabbah.
  107. The embedded resolution of f(x,y)+z^2: (C^3,0)-->(C,0), (joint paper with Chunsheng Ban and Lee McEwan), Studia Scientiarum Math. Hungarica 38, 51-71 (2001).
  108. On the monodormy of complex polynomials, (joint work with A. Dimca), Duke Math. Journal, 108 (2), 199-209, 2001.
  109. Resolution graphs of some surface singularities, I. Cyclic coverings, (ps. file) Proceedings of the AMS Conference, San Antonio, 1999. Contemporary Mathematics 266, Singularities in Algebraic and Analytic Geometry, AMS 2000, 89-128.
  110. Resolution graphs of some surface singularities, II. Generalized Iomdin series, (joint work with Ágnes Szilárd), (ps. file) Proceedings of the AMS Conference, San Antonio, 1999. Contemporary Mathematics 266, Singularities in Algebraic and Analytic Geometry, AMS 2000, 129-164.
  111. Casson invariant of cyclic coverings via eta-invariant and Dedekind sums, Topology and its Applications, vol 102, 2, 181-193, 2000.
  112. Hypersurface singularities with 2--dimensional critical locus, Journal of the London Math. Soc., Second series, No 189, Vol 59, 922-938, 1999.
  113. Hodge numbers attached to a polynomial map, (joint work with R. García López), Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble, 49, 5, 1547-1579, 1999.
  114. Semicontinuity of the spectrum at infinity, (joint work with C. Sabbah), Abhandlungen aus dem Math. Seminar der Univ. Hamburg, 69, 25-35, 1999.
  115. Five lectures on normal surface singularities, (ps file) Lectures delivered at the Summer School in "Low dimensional topology", Budapest, Hungary, 1998; Proceedings of the Summer School, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 8, Low Dimensional Topology, 269-351, 1999.
  116. Some topological invariants of isolated hypersurface singularities, Five lectures of the EMS--Summer School, Eger (Hungary) 1996, Proceedings of the Summer school , Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 8, Low Dimensional Topology, 353-413, 1999.
  117. Dedekind sums and the signature of f(x,y)+z^N,II., Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 5, 161-179, 1999.
  118. "Weakly" Elliptic Gorenstein Singularities of Surfaces, Inventiones math., 137, 145-167, 1999.
  119. On the monodromy at infinity of a polynomial map, II. (joint paper with R. García López), Compositio Mathematica 115, 1-20, 1999.
  120. On the Seifert form at infinity associated with polynomial maps, Journal of the Math. Soc. of Japan, 51, no. 1, 63-70, 1999.
  121. The signature of $f(x,y)+z^n$, Proceedings of Real and Complex Singularities, (C.T.C Wall's 60th birthday meeting), Liverpool (England), August 1996. London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series, 263, 131-149, 1999.
  122. Dedekind sums and the signature of f(x,y)+z^N, Selecta Mathematica, New series, Vol. 4, 361-376, 1998.
  123. On the Birkhoff normal form of a completely integrable Hamiltonian system near a fixed point with resonance (joint paper with T. Kappeler and Y. Kodama), Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4), 26, no. 4, 623-661, 1998.
  124. On the spectrum of curve singularities, Proceedings of the Singularity Conference, Oberwolfach, July 1996; Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 162, 93-102, 1998.
  125. Generalized Weil's Reciprocity Law and Multiplicativity Theorems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 349, 2687-2697, 1997.
  126. On the monodromy of curve singularities, (joint paper with J. Steenbrink), Math. Zeitschrift, 223, 587-593, 1996.
  127. On the monodromy at infinity of a polynomial map, (joint paper with R. García López), Compositio Mathematica, 100, 205-231, 1996.
  128. Variation structures: results and open problems, Singularities and Differential Equations, Banach Center Publications, vol. 33, 245-257, 1996.
  129. Extending Hodge bundles for Abelian Variations, (joint paper with J. Steenbrink), Annals of Mathematics, 143, 131-148, 1996.
  130. The eta--invariant of variation structures. I., Topology and its Applications, 67, 95-111, 1995
  131. Spectral pairs, mixed Hodge modules and series of plane curve singularities, (joint paper with J. Steenbrink), New York Journal of Mathematics, August 16, 1995. (
  132. The mixed Hodge structure of a complete intersection with isolated singularity, C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 321, Série I, 1995, 447-452.
  133. The mixed Hodge structure of an ICIS, I., preprint
  134. The equivariant signature of hypersurface singularities and eta--invariant, Topology, Vol. 34, No. 2, 243-259, 1995.
  135. The real Seifert form and the spectral pairs of isolated hypersurface singularities, Compositio Mathematica, 98, 1995, 23-41.
  136. The semi-ring structure and the spectral pairs of sesqui--linear forms, Algebra Colloquium, 1:1, 1994, 85-95.
  137. Injective analytic maps, Duke Math. Journal, Vol. 69, No. 2, 335-347, February 1993.
  138. Algebraic torsion, zeta function and Dirichlet series for graph links in homology 3-spheres, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 13, 131-142, 1993.
  139. The zeta function of singularities, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 2, 1-23, 1993.
  140. Milnor fibration at infinity, (joint paper with A. Zaharia), Indag. Mathem., N.S. 3 (3), 323-335, 1992.
  141. Reduction of the Topological Stable Rank in Inductive Limits of C*-algebras, (joint paper with M. Dadarlat, G. Nagy, and C. Pasnicu) Pacific Journal of Math., Vol. 153, No. 2, 267-276, 1992.
  142. Réduction du rang stable topologique dans C*-algèbres limites inductives, C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t.312, Serie I, 107-108, 1991.
  143. Generalized local and global Sebastiani-Thom type theorems, Compositio Mathematica, 80, 1-14, 1991.
  144. Global Sebastiani-Thom theorem for polynomial maps, J. Math. Soc. Japan, Vol. 43, No 2, 213-218, 1991.
  145. The Milnor fiber and the zeta function of the singularities of type f=P(h,g), Compositio Math., 79, 63-97, 1991.
  146. On the bifurcation set of a polynomial function and Newton boundary, (joint paper with A. Zaharia), Publ. RIMS. Kyoto Univ., 26, 681-689, 1990.
  147. Shape theory and (connective) K-theory, (joint paper with M. Dadarlat), J. Operator Theory, 23, 207-291, 1990.
  148. Lefschetz Theory for Complex Affine Varieties, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 33, 3, 233-250, 1988.
  149. On the fundamental group of the complement of certain plane curves, Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., Vol. 102, 3, 1987.
  150. Théorie de Lefschetz pour les variétés algébriques affines, C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t.303. Serie I., Nr. 12, 1986.
  151. The link of the sum of the holomorphic functions, Proc. of the National Conference, Tîrgoviste, Romania, 1986.
  152. Asupra geometriilor euclidiana si neeuclidiene plane, St. Cerc. Mat.,/b>, Tom. 35, Nr.1, 1983.